7d E 17.03.20 Arbeitsauftrag
Liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler,
hier findet ihr Hausaufgaben. Manchmal stehen schon Lösungen dabei. Sinnvoll ist es natürlich nur, wenn ihr die Hausaufgaben erst macht und dann mit den Lösungen vergleicht.
1. Vokabeln wiederholen
=> Wiederhole alle Vokabeln von Unit 3 (bis Seite 204 "to capture")
2. Verbesserung der alten Hausaufgabe
Workbook S. 22/4 have been discussing, have been writing, have probably been telling, have been trying, has been working, has also been helping
Workbook S. 27/14
If I didn't have my spartphone, I'd/ I would feel bored. But you could go outside and play football if you didn't have/had't got your smartphone. If I did my homework now, I couldn't play football with my friends. But you'd/ would have lots of free time at the weekend if you did your homework now. If I tried to learn a new language , it wouldn't be easy. But it would be easier to talk to people in other countries if you tried to learn a new language.
3. Neuer Arbeitsauftrag
Buch S. 122/11,12
Die Aufträge vom 17.03. und 18.03. sollen bis nächste Woche (23.03.20) erledigt sein.