7d E 20.04.20 Arbeitsauftrag: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 51: Zeile 51:
Picture D  
Picture D  
After Francis Drake had seen so many ships as a boy, he wanted to have his own adventures at sea.
Picture F
Then, on his first big journey, he went to America and sold slaves he had captured.
Picture B
When he was in America again in 1568, the Spanish attacked his ships. This made him very angry. He never forgot that.
Picture E
In 1577, Drake sailed around the world. After he had stolen gold and silver from the Spanish ships, the Spanish really hated him.
Picture A
As soon as Drake had returned to England in 1580, he wasted no time. He gave the queen his treasure. She was very happy and couldn't believe her luck.
Picture C
After Drake had defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588, England felt safe again. Drake was now a special hero.
Workbook S. 42/5
Workbook S. 42/5

Version vom 21. April 2020, 10:06 Uhr

Guten Morgen, liebe Klasse 7d!

Hoffentlich geht es euch gut und ihr könnt mit neuen Kräften in die nächste Zeit des Online-Unterrichts gehen.

Leider können wir den Unterricht noch nicht persönlich weiterführen.

Ich werde euch für diese Woche einen Wochenauftrag hier einstellen. Gleichzeitig arbeite ich daran, entweder bei Mebis oder bei Teams einen Kurs einzurichten, in welchem wir besser kommunizieren können.

Sollte es Probleme von eurer Seite geben, könnt ihr bei Mebis bzw Teams mit mir in Kontakt treten. Ich gebe euch HIER Bescheid, über welchen Kanal wir dies tun.

Keine Angst: wir werden, sobald wir uns wieder im "normalen Unterricht" sehen, die Inhalte auch nochmals wiederholen. Wir schaffen das zusammen.

Viele Grüße

Michaela Ebner

1. Lösungen der alten Hausaufgaben

Buch S.68/5 (HA vom 30.03.2020)


had become





had been


had been


had written


Buch S. 68/6 (HA vom 01.04.2020)

Picture D

After Francis Drake had seen so many ships as a boy, he wanted to have his own adventures at sea.

Picture F

Then, on his first big journey, he went to America and sold slaves he had captured.

Picture B

When he was in America again in 1568, the Spanish attacked his ships. This made him very angry. He never forgot that.

Picture E

In 1577, Drake sailed around the world. After he had stolen gold and silver from the Spanish ships, the Spanish really hated him.

Picture A

As soon as Drake had returned to England in 1580, he wasted no time. He gave the queen his treasure. She was very happy and couldn't believe her luck.

Picture C

After Drake had defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588, England felt safe again. Drake was now a special hero.

Workbook S. 42/5